Calvin Manitoba International School has regular admissions and rolling admissions for foreign students. The regular admission opens once a year, and both Korean and foreign passport holders can apply depending on the number of vacancies each school year. The rolling admission is available for foreign students. If you are interested in applying for the rolling admission, please contact Calvin Manitoba International School (032-815-1004, for further information.
Calvin Manitoba International School is a Foreign Educational Institution where students can apply regardless of their nationality and educational background.
The application process is as follows. For details, please click here.
1. Submit the Online Application Form with Supporting Documents and transfer the application fee.
2. Complete the Admission Assessment
3. Wait for the Admission Result
4. Complete the Enrollment Process
All applicants need to submit the online application form, application fee receipt, student’s ID photo (3x4cm), student’s passport, certificate of enrollment, report cards from previous school and teacher recommendation letter. For details, please click here.
Grade and Age Eligibility Chart (2025-2026)
The applying grade at Calvin Manitoba International School is determined based on the applicant’s date of birth as shown in the chart above. Arbitrary grade change is not allowed. However, the exceptions are as follows, and in these cases, please note that applicants may be placed in the same grade as those admitted according to the grade and age eligibility chart shown above.
Example: G4 in the 2024-2025 school year -> Apply to G5 for the 2025-2026 school year
Example: G4 in March, 2025 -> Apply to G4 for the 2025-2026 school year
The admission assessment is conducted in three stages: 1) Document screening, 2) English and Math evaluation (K-G2: Model Lesson), 3) Student interview (K-G2: Student/Parent Interview). For details, please click here.
Reapplication is not possible in the same school year. The applicant may apply again from next school year.
Applicants will be notified of accepted, rejected or placed in a wait pool after the third-final stage of the admission assessment. If accepted, and completed the enrollment process at the regular admissions, the applicant will start attending the school from the fall semester which starts in September. If placed in the wait pool, the applicant will be placed on the wait pool for the school year and contacted individually once there is a vacancy. The wait pool is only valid for the school year the applicant has applied for.
If you have three or more children attending Calvin Manitoba International School, a 20% discount on tuition fee is offered to one child.
Please click here to find the tuition and fees of Calvin Manitoba International School.
The class size varies by grade level. There are about 20 students in kindergarten, 22 students in grades 1-5, and 24 students in grades 6-12.
Spanish and Chinese courses are offered in high school.
Calvin Manitoba International School carefully selects highly qualified teachers, licensed and approved by the Manitoba Ministry of Education, who have years of experience and expertise teaching their subject.
Calvin Manitoba International School offers Manitoba curricula from Kindergarten to Grade 12. To find the curriculum for each grade, please click here for kindergarten, click here for early school, click here for middle school, and click here for high school.
For all grades from K to 12, school starts at 8:55 a.m. and ends at 3:35 p.m.
The school year begins in September and ends in June of the following year. Fall semester is from September to January, and Spring semester is from February to June. The summer break is for about two months from July to August, and winter about one month from December to January.
Calvin Manitoba International School has a highly qualified university counselor. In reference to student’s grades, interest and strength, the counselor guides each student in designing their post-secondary education. Besides, as part of the high school program, there are numerous meeting with students and parents/guardians, and college information sessions opened on campus to support the students.
Yes. We do have a school bus service. The bus route will be shared later once it is confirmed.
No. We do not have a school dormitory.
Yes. We do have a school cafeteria where hot lunch is served. For the students who do not wish to have the school meal, they may bring their own lunch from home.
Calvin Manitoba International School has been designated as an accredited Foreign Educational Institution and provides the Korean Academic Certification Program.